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The Bucket List

by Betty McDowell, Director of Ministry Servicesbucket list

I think almost everyone has a bucket list—things you want to do before you “kick the bucket”. It may be in the back of our mind, it may be written in a journal, or it may be an app on your iPhone.

Some of the things I’ve been blessed to check off my bucket list are dreams like going on an African Safari, visiting Paris, leading a women's retreat, and writing something from my heart that’s worthy of publishing. As fun as it is to dream, it’s even more fun to see those dreams fulfilled.

No matter our age, our health, or our resources, all of us can dream up a bucket list. And, as followers of Christ, our bucket list should be influenced and shaped—even inspired—by God Himself. Trust me, I would never have imagined becoming a writer or speaker without the influence of the Holy Spirit.

We serve a God who wants us to accomplish the seemingly impossible. Our God created an incredibly beautiful world, and He longs to show it off to you. Our God also created amazing, beautiful people that He wants you to meet. And, our God created you with a unique set of gifts and talents that He longs for you to use for the good of others.

A God-inspired bucket list will always be headlined by ways you hope to be used for the glory of God and the good of others.

Seeing an end to abortion is at the top of my bucket list. God inspired? I think so. God continues to amaze me, as I see the Heartbeat International network grow, and as I read the testimonies of lives changed and babies saved through ministries across our nation and God’s world.

Serving with Heartbeat and playing a small part in the fulfillment of our mission and vision is both humbling and rewarding. It may not have been on my childhood bucket list, but the list God has given me along the way has brought so much more joy and satisfaction than I could have imagined.

So what are you waiting for? Maybe it’s time for you to dream, and add to your God-inspired bucket list. Dream big, and add seeing an end to abortion to your bucket list.

Our God reigns, and in His name, “all oppression shall cease.” Let’s pray that He will bring about an end to the oppression of abortion this Christmas season.