Heartbeat’s Annual Conference is designed for ministry leaders, staff, board members, and volunteers of life-affirming pregnancy help centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and non-profit adoption agencies, as well as professionals in the areas of medicine, counseling, social work, and education.
Executive Directors - Leadership is best when equipped, encouraged, and engaged. This conference includes tactical techniques, spiritual support, and everything in between.
Key Staff/Volunteers - Deepen your understanding by accessing the Track or Workshops of your area of ministry work - or broaden your information and inspiration by learning about related matters.
Medical Personnel - While our Medical Track features professionals who can speak the medical language and your passion for life, other topics may be of interest to enhance you and your ministry.
Board Members - Governance is a high calling and one that is informed by experience and understanding. Strategic Leadership topics will strengthen your knowledge and wisdom.
Internationals - Pregnancy help ministries exist all over the world and they encounter the same concerns U.S. centers have every day. This conference is proud to include international guests from six continents.
Maternity Homes - Life-affirming housing for women committed to promoting positive life choices and education.
April 14th, 2020 11:00 AM to May 15th, 2020 5:00 PM
Your Computer
Phone: (614) 885-7577
Registration Cost (per person)
Conference Registration | $299.00 |