As war rages on overseas and natural disasters hit close to home, one thing is certain—women in those affected areas will still need the real support offered by the pregnancy help movement.
Life-affirming organizations are by no means immune to the damage caused by trauma, and yet, they often become rallying points in their communities for aid in addition to their normal functions. Affected pregnancy help centers, maternity homes, non-profit adoption agencies, and abortion recovery programs will need prayer and financial support in the weeks and months to come.
Heartbeat International offers you a way to help, through our Helping Affiliated Life-Affirming Organizations (HALO) fund.
Heartbeat affiliates help each other in many ways, including through our own affiliates’ generous donations. Please consider giving to the HALO fund today, as we come alongside our friends who will struggle to rebuild in order to provide women with the compassionate support they need in order to choose life for their unborn children.
As always, keep an eye on your inbox and check for the most up to date information.
Unless pregnancy help organizations are there to set the standard for true compassion and support for women, someone else will—namely, Planned Parenthood.
In the wake of disasters, Planned Parenthood and abortion activist organizations arrive not with needed material aid, food and shelter, but with abortifacients, including the abortion pill. These pills only increase the death toll in the darkest hours.
There is no better time than now to come alongside your brothers and sisters through the HALO fund. You can give online today.
Heartbeat collects information on organizations potentially in need so that we might be able to direct resources, if available. If you are aware of an Heartbeat affiliated organization in need of support, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with their information and situation.
I have always been a planner, and the birth of my first child was no exception. I had been married for 7 years, graduated college, and had a high paying job in the IT industry. We had remodeled a bedroom into the perfect nursery, and purchased pretty much every piece of baby equipment sold – we were ready!
After our son was born we felt so fulfilled by our little family that we weren’t really sure if we would have more children. Then 3 years ago, I was laid off from my job. It was also the start of the recession that hit the housing industry hard and my husband’s remodeling business was suffering as well. As a result of the layoff, we not only lost income, but also our health insurance.
It was at this point that we decided we definitely were not going to have any more children. We would not be able to afford it, and we had no medical care. So we sold the crib, gave away the baby clothes we had saved just in case, and instead spent the next years focused on trying to survive a very tough economy.
Last spring, our son was about to turn five and I had plans to enroll in a master’s program in the fall to help me pursue a new career - and I found out I was pregnant. At first I was in denial thinking this isn’t possible, this can’t be right.
Then the denial turned to anxiety. How we could possibly afford a new baby? With no insurance, the hospital bills alone could bankrupt us. I worried about how difficult it would be to go back to school with a newborn and felt dread about “starting over” again; waking up in the middle of the night, hanging diapers, hauling around a stroller. It all seemed overwhelming.
Without a doctor, I didn’t even know where to begin, but I was able to receive a free ultrasound at our local pregnancy help center to determine how far along I was in the pregnancy.
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Then she said, “You are pregnant with twins.” I just burst into tears!
The anxiety I felt before the ultrasound turned into complete panic. We couldn’t afford one baby, how could we possibly afford two?
I panicked over what it would be like to carry twins – the chance of medical complications, or having to be on bed rest, perhaps for months. I worried about the likelihood of twins begin born premature and everything that would mean – from extended hospital stays, to astronomical medical bills, to the possibility that a premature birth could lead to a baby with special needs.
I worried about everything. Our house wasn’t big enough, my car wasn’t big enough, I couldn’t possibly go back to school with two newborns. How could we afford cribs, highchairs, car seats, everything times two! Not to mention the cost of diapers alone? There was no way we could have two babies. Without health insurance, it felt irresponsible to do so. I was unsure if we would be able to provide for them, and I knew we could not afford medical care for them.
I was so overwhelmed; my body was shaking, and seeing my distress the volunteer asked if she could pray for me. Then another volunteer came in, and another, and they formed a circle of prayer, and thanked God for the blessings of the babies. But, it did not feel like a blessing to me. It felt like an impossible situation with only one solution.
But I believe it was their prayers led me to the website and what I read convinced me that it was possible and there was another alternative to abortion.
The stories that impacted me the most were from unmarried, teenage girls who hadn’t completed their education. Here I was: 35 years old, college educated, happily married. If these young girls could do it, we could too! I realized that we had to make this work; we had to make a new plan - one that included the lives of our two babies!
On Dec. 12th of 2011, I gave birth to identical twin boys; both very healthy and weighing over 7lbs each. They are a blessing. and our local pregnancy help center played such an important role in the decision making regarding my pregnancy and I cannot emphasize enough how important I think it is for to list and make available access to the local pregnancy help organization on their home page. shows us that we can stand up and say “no” to abortion, and the pregnancy help centers provide on the ground support in our own neighborhoods.
At one point it seemed impossible to imagine having twins in our life, but thanks to all the young women who shared their stories on, I could never image our lives without them.
By Angela, devoted mom of 3!
The StandUpGirl Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to providing pregnant adolescent and young adult women with alternatives to abortion. The mission is to change hearts and save lives by educating young women on the development of the unborn child and alternatives to abortion. |
For a listing of Pregnancy Help Centers, see the Worldwide Directory--an online directory of life affirming service providers around the world.
Abortion Facts
Abortion Pill Reversal
Center Against Forced Abortions
The Alliance for Post-Abortion Research and Training
An Even Place
Arise Daughter
International Helpline for Abortion Recovery
Deeper Still
The Elliot Institute
Hope For The Heart Abortion Recovery
Institute of Reproductive Grief Care
National Memorial for the Unborn
Operation Outcry
Project Rachel Ministry
Rachel's Vineyard
Ramah International
Reproductive Loss Network
Restoring the Heart Ministries
She Found His Grace
Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Support After Abortion
Surrendering the Secret
Your Abortion Experience
A Lifetime Adoption
Abiding Love Charities
Choosing Hope Adoption
Hope For Families
Lifeline Children's Services
Love Basket Domestic and International Adoption Ministry
Cause Based Commerce, Inc.
Choose Life License Plates
Choose Life Marketing
Cornerstone Payment Systems
Extend Web Services
Learning is Created
Life Advancement Group
Liliana Grace Media & Marketing
Keener Marketing
Life Support, Inc.
Plans for You, Inc.
Secret Key Publishing - (407) 671-4208
Stewardship Technology
Stories Marketing
Pregnancy Help Institute - Development Track
Veritas Society
Option Line - 24/7 National Pregnancy Center Hotline
National Abortion Recovery Hotline - Concepts of Truth, Inc.
National Safe Haven Alliance
for Insurance FAQs, click here.
Barnard Donegan Insurance
Care Providers
Insurance One Agency, LC
Johnson-Witkemper Inc.
Patriot Insurance
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
National Fatherhood Initiative
Save One
Heartbeat International
Maternity Housing Coalition
Care Net
National Institute of Family & Life Advocates (NIFLA)
The Guiding Star Project
Africa Cares for Life
Beautiful Feet International
Centro de Ayuda para la Mujer (CAM)
Pregnancy Care Canada
Heartbeat International
Pregnancy Help Australia
Pregnancy Support Services of Asia (PSSA)
Next Level CMS
WayCool Software
SMC Direct
BTNX Inc (Canada)
Heritage House
Quick Medical
NPR Biomedical
The Endowment for Human Development
Little One Pregnancy Calendar
Be Not Afraid
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Perinatal Hospice & Palliative Care
40 Days for Life
American Family Association
Americans United for Life (AUL)
American Values Coalition
California Nurses for Ethical Standards (CNES)
Feminists for Life
Focus on the Family
Healing the Culture
Life International
Life Matters Worldwide
National Right to Life Committee
New Beginnings Home
North American Mission Board (NAMB)
The Obria Group, Inc.
Priests for Life
Pro-Life Action League
Prolove Ministries
Revive Our Hearts
Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Students for Life
Trotter House
Abuse Recovery Ministry Services
Alliance Defending Freedom
And Then There Were None
Blessings International
Butterfield Foundation
Christian Counseling & Training Center
Dollar Days International, Inc.
Embrace Grace
Envoy Financial
Five Stones Mentoring
Focus on the Family
Heritage Community Services
Heritage House '76
Hope for the Heart
International Bible Society
Learning is Created
Life Call
Life Cycle Books
Little One Publishing
Loving & Caring
Lutherans for Life
Medical Institute for Sexual Health
Operation Outcry, a ministry of The Justice Foundation
Pharmacists for Life
Priests for Life International
Prolove Ministries
Psalm 51 Ministry
Respect Life
SperaVita Institute
Steno Institute
Students for Life
The Heart Share Group
True to Life Productions
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Vitae Foundation
VirTru Training
Vision Video
WiLD Leaders
Ambassador Speakers Bureau
GOA Speakers
Human Life International
Kirk Walden
Pittsburgh's Essential Speakers
Premiere Speakers Bureau
Save One
The Pro-Life Speakers Bureau
The Love Chromosome - Derrick and Julie Tennant
You Don't Need Arms, LLC - Chet McDoniel
Charlotte Lozier Institute
Family Research Council
Human Development Research Council
The Justice Foundation: Operation Outcry
Life Issues Institute
The Medical Institute for Sexual Health
Metroplex Women's Clinic
Twice as Nice Resale
Abstinence Educators' Network
Center Against Forced Abortions - School Counselor Letter
National Abstinence Clearinghouse
Pure Freedom
Purity Works
Relationships Under Construction
The Center for Relationship Education
Medical Institute for Sexual Health
The Center for Relationship Education
Jeffrey Dean Company Foundation
Diagnostic Health Group, Inc.
Esaote USA
GE Healthcare
Northwest Ultrasound
Preferred Medical Systems
Probo Medical
Shimadzu Ultrasound (non-U.S. only)
United Medical Instruments
Option Ultrasounds
Project Ultrasound
Knights of Columbus
LOVE Approach Ultrasound Clinical
Forget Me Not Ultrasound
Hope Imaging
Innovative Imaging Technology
Sound View Imaging
Sound Wave Images, Inc.
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Product Code: 10WWDIREC-14
Price: $25.00 (First copy complimentary to Heartbeat affiliates)
Listing more than 4,500 pro-life service organizations around the world, the annual Worldwide Directory is a must-have for offices and helplines, in order to refer clients to life-affirming services outside your community. You can also lead the charge and make sure your local libraries, doctor’s offices, counselors, and schools each have a copy.