2022 Conference Recordings


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Wholistic Feminism: How Helping Women be Whole Stops Abortion

Building on themes from her recent book, Wholistic Feminism, Leah helps participants see the goals of Second Wave Feminism to separate a woman's procreative functions and fertility from her career and educational aspirations. When we understand the lies and major assumptions of feminism, we can counteract their approach and reintegrate women's identities back into life-giving and nurturing beings. Presented By: Leah Jacobson


Why Diversify?

The goal of the workshop is to explain and equip participants with the knowledge of why diversity of all types is important to the growth of their ministry. Presented By: Cherilyn Holloway


Why Not Birth Control

In this course we will look at normal female anatomy and function, various types of birth control, and data revealing associated risks with the different types of birth control. We will also discuss how common the use of birth control is currently in the United States while asking ourselves what birth control education is best for the client entering the doors of the pregnancy center. We will walk through client scenarios and role-play dialogue to be had with these clients.

Presented By: Brooke Myrick
