The goal of this workshop is to help pregnancy center staff bring clients to appreciate the good outcomes inherent in choosing to delay sex and to offer healing and planning. Presented By: Myra Mansfield
Dan will impart this marriage workshop based on his experience as a touring musician, traveling comedian and Pastor. He recognizes the importance in maintaining a strong marriage (goal #1) and family life (goal #2) and how you can't have a strong ministry without the former. Presented By: Dan Kulp
The goal of the workshop is to push onwards past the stigmas of housing women with mental illness. The workshop will provide maternity homes basic tools to properly care for and support this vulnerable population. Presented By: Vanessa Rock, MSW
As leaders everyone looks to us for answers, encouragement, leadership and faith but the truth is we can't give out what we do not have. Let's talk about pressing for balance between the onward calling of Philippians 3:12-14 with the inward calling Jesus offers in Matthew 11:28.
The goal of this workshop is to re-establish the priority of the Gospel in our hearts and in our centers. Is our patient's physical or spiritual need the most important? Presented By: Lauren Robinson
A positive and engaging organizational environment is key to recruiting and retaining excellent staff members. Empower your people to fulfill their callings within an affirming environment where they enjoy producing life-changing results while loving working together. Presented By: Tracie Shellhouse
In this course, participants will learn how to create a marketing machine and employ effective strategies that will attract abortion-minded clients to their doors and increase their center's life-saves. Presented By: Benjamin Kraft; Austin Waldo
The goal of this workshop is to acknowledge that each of us have an inherent worth and dignity from the moment of conception to natural death. Presented By: Cynthia Wood
Vitae Foundation has more research on abortion decision-making in the world. Learn the key findings from the research studies and how to apply those findings to your marketing. Presented By: Derren Dettloff
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most important strategy to implement in your website and blog in order to reach more and more clients and replay to their research intent. Presented By: Andrea Tosato
The goal of this workshop is to address the issues most Pregnancy Help Organizations face serving minority communities with a predominantly white staff. Presented By: Toni Clarke
Describe Human Trafficking, the relationship to abortion and the potential dangers with abortion pills. Discuss how APR can play a pivotal role in this process.
Presented By: Shantae Rodriguez This course offers continuing education contact hours for nurses. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1 contact hour.
To encourage and equip staff in the pregnancy help centers to include sexual health and relationship information in the counseling setting for clients with both positive and negative pregnancy testing, or who are giving STI testing.
If hoping to finish well and walk away with a successful handoff, you and your organization need a plan. In Part 2 we'll be looking at how your organization can plan and prepare for a smooth transition.