Most Pregnancy Resource Centers have a holistic approach: caring for body, mind, and spirit. Conveying what the Bible says about spiritual health can be intimidating for both staff and volunteer counselors. In an effort not to miss the opportunity, many spurt out Gospel truth in a brief "canned lecture". The goal of this workshop is to move the volunteer onward in skills of dialogue and conversation regarding what the Bible says about a relationship with God through Jesus. Presented By: Sharon Greenip
Participants will learn how to increase gross and net income through an integrated monthly donor communications program that includes direct mail, email and online communications that asks, thanks and reports back to donors on the life-changing impact of their gifts. Presented by Ray Pokorny and Rich Bennett
Many centers are concerned about an aging donor base. Learn what types of fundraisers and special events will help you connect with younger donors and keep your mission funded for the years ahead. Presented By: Liz Chechile; Crystal Hoag
Learn why every pregnancy center should have specific Fundraiser/Public Relations personnel, and after the role is filled, how to start a public relations campaign. Presented By: Stori Thompson
Explaining the history of feminism in the United States and its influence on women and the pro-choice culture. This workshop presents on tools to combat the influences in our culture pressuring women to choose abortion for their children. Presented By: Kimberly Cook
You absolutely live out the core values of love, compassion, and forgiveness when outward-facing toward your clients; the difficulty comes in living them out when inward-facing toward your coworkers. And clients can feel the tension. Before your organization can truly, fully, joyously heal hearts without, you must first heal the hurts within. Presented by Donna Lewis ACC, SLCC, EQCC & EQAC, C-IQ CC and Kathleen Richard LMSW.
Asking the right questions can be the key to improving your programs, your people and your place in the community, but many people are uncomfortable with questions: having to ask them and having to answer them. However, when you ask the right questions, even to yourself, you will find out why your programs aren't as successful as they might be, why your team isn't following your leadership, and what your community really thinks you do.
We listen to God's voice to further our relationship with Him, to receive our identity from Him (this is a huge key!), to hear His heart for others, and to receive direction. This workshop will give practical information on how to hear His voice, reasons we may not be hearing, and why it is important to listen to Him not only for our own lives but for the lives of those we are ministering to. Presented By: Kathryn (Katie) Tucker
My goal is to expose the risks and dangers of our birth control culture, and to help centers understand that there are better - healthier - options for our clients. Presented By: Sharon Pearce