Conference Recordings

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I'm in Charge....Now What?

Do you struggle with interpersonal communication in the office? Do you understand the balance between being a friend and being a leader? Professionalism is not just for the full-time corporate woman.

Presented By: Lisa Adams


Implementing the Love Approach Ultrasound Protocol

In a world where the attention span is greatly shortened, it is imperative that ultrasound scans are performed in a sequence that will capture the attention of the client quickly. The Love Approach Method to Scanning Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound places the most impactful images at the forefront of the exam beginning with the heartbeat. Presented by Tammy Stearns, MS, RDMS, RVT, RT(R), FSDMS, FAIUM, LAS


Incorporating Medical Services

Have you been thinking about adding Medical Services to your center? Offering Medical services has proven to be a powerful ministry tool in reaching the abortion-minded client. Join us as we explore the steps to adding medical services to your center. Presented By: Teresa Tholany; Lisa Searle


Increase Campaign Revenue with Matching Gifts

Presented by Ray Pokorny and Rich Bennett


Informed Consent Following a Prenatal Diagnosis

Parents are increasingly offered prenatal tests to screen for various prenatal conditions and subsequently offered abortion following a positive result. Ethicists broadly agree Informed Consent is critical in making medical decisions, yet parents often are not presented with the information they need to make an informed decision following a positive test result, which all too often leads to abortion. Presented by Gary Thome


Integrating Medical and Non-Medical Teams

In this course, attendees will be learning how to create and maintain a healthy culture between medical and non-medical staff and volunteers. Thwarting satan's attempt to destroy a team through the inside out and conquering the resignation era and quiet quitting culture that has threatened many teams and organizations during a time of post pandemic and heightened political threats. Presented by Hillary Patrick, BSOL and Karolyn Schrage, R.N., BSN


Integrating STI Services for the Next Generation

Presented by Karolyn Schrage and Mischa Long, LifeChoices Health Network
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


Integrating STI Services for Today's Client

3 part series.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 3.0 contact hours to nurses who complete all requirements.


Integrating STI Services to Reach the Next Generation

Sexual health services create pro-active access-points to help prevent unintended pregnancies and intervene in the lives of individuals who are most vulnerable to abortion. Attendees will learn the steps recommended to integrate best-practices for adding STI testing and treatment. Presented By: Mischa Long


Interrupted Yet Productive

This workshop will take a look at Jesus ministry, the interruptions He faced, and how He stayed on task despite constant interruptions. Presented by Beth Henderson, LAS, SRAS


Intersection of Codependency and Unexpected Pregnancy

Help your clients break through the barriers of codependency, which is the number one factor influencing women and men as they face unexpected pregnancies. Help your clients understand the roots of their codependency and its impact in their relationships, decision making, and lives. Presented by Lisa Rowe, LCSW and Greg Hasek, MA/MFT


Introducing Clients to the Child in the Womb

This workshop equips staff and counselors to utilize for their clients the most scientifically advanced and detailed photos and videos of the child in the womb. The Education Resource Fund (www.ERF.Science), familiar to the presenters, has produced these stunning resources. Presented By: Fr. Frank Pavone; Janet Morana


Involving Gen-Z in Your Mission

Presented by Madison Hull, FundEasy, Marketing Specialist


Is There Room for GenZ at the Table?

Presented by Michelle Deavenport and Summer Calhoun


Is Your Vision All Inclusive?

To encourage and motivate life affirming organizations to work in a “team” or “Kingdom Success” mindset, verses focusing on the individual success of one organization. Presented by Dawn Marie Perez LAS, K-12 Christian Teaching Credential, Certified Course Developer and Google AdWords Strategist
