Conference Recordings

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Starting Right and Finishing Well

Presented by Betsy Wetherby, Heartbeat International


Strategic Leadership: Building Your Ministry Team

Presented by Danielle Pitzer, Focus on the Family


Succession Planning

Our board has taken great care and planning for our founder and executive director's retirement. We want to share the process with others who are contemplating succession planning for their organization. Presented by Vivian Koob MRC, MEd


Succession Planning Moving Onward Parts 1 & 2

If hoping to finish well and walk away with a successful handoff, you and your organization need a plan. In Part 2 we'll be looking at how your organization can plan and prepare for a smooth transition.

Presented By: Robin Fuller


Succession Planning...Well Done!

Honor the Lord and your constituents by making succession planning a life-giving process for the one finishing well, the successor, the board, the staff team, and your organization. Whether planning your own transition, making plans for others, or for unforeseen circumstances, preparing thoughtfully and wisely is simply good stewardship. Presented By: Mark McDougal


Succession Planning: Success, Not Distress!

Presented By: Angie Thomas & Allison Daigle


Taking A Breath, The Importance of Soul Care

We will cover the following topics: what your soul is, why it must be cared for, the "what" and "how" of soul care, how soul care is connected to the Sabbath, and how soul care helps you find and keep your joy. We are made up of 3 parts, the body, soul and the spirit. We take care of the physical body with exercise, eating right and sleep. We take care of the spiritual with reading the Bible, praying, fellowshipping with other Christians. But how do we take care of the Soul? The soul is who we are, how do I feed that part of me? Presented By: Becky Carter


Taking Care of Your Ultrasound System

Presented by Hobie Sears, Probo Medical
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


The Adoption Option: Changing Adoption Culture

Presented by Nancy Knowlton and Crystal Young


The Cardiac Test for Biblical Leadership

Presented by Tom Lothamer, Flutter Inc.


The Champion Leader: Winning The Fight

God is calling us to arise and fight. There is a mantle of courage and boldness being placed upon leaders. We must stand guard over our families, and regions. We must strike the ground in which we have been assigned, taking back the territory and claiming victory. We must walk in the anointing and authority that rest upon us. Presented By: Jeannie Smith, LPTA


The Circle of Care God Wants from Us

To show pro-life workers, organizations, churches a proven strategy for connecting moms to the one entity God designed to bring about the abundant life they long for and He desires for them...the local church. Presented by Greg Clemens


The Compassion Quotient

Join Kirk and Jennifer Walden for a surprising look at how Jesus used an unorthodox approach to solve one of His culture’s most divisive social issues, gaining scores of new followers along the way. Perhaps Jesus gave us a blueprint for flipping the narrative on the issue of life—and planting the seeds of an incredible spiritual awakening in the process. In this workshop, let’s discover how to adopt Jesus’ engaging strategy as our own, and change the world around us. Presented By: Kirk Walden; Jenn Walden
