Displaying items by tag: Press Releases
Parents Facing Prenatal Diagnosis Have a New Support Resource
For Immediate Release
August 28, 2023
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New way to connect parents to those who can help them navigate their unique circumstance
COLUMBUS, OH - Prenatal Diagnosis Initiative (PDI), a working group of pregnancy support organizations, has launched its PrenatalDiagnosis.org website. This resource serves parents facing a prenatal diagnosis and gives them access to accurate information on prenatal genetic screening and diagnostic testing, support resources, various prenatal diagnoses, and pregnancy options. Contributors to the website include Heartbeat International and Option Line, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Her PLAN, Be Not Afraid, and String of Pearls.
The website also links users to Heartbeat International’s 24/7 pregnancy-related helpline, Option Line, that connects parents facing a diagnosis to a Parent Care Coordinator (PCC) in their region. PCCs are trained to provide trauma-informed care to parents throughout the rest of their pregnancy and for one year following birth. This care includes help navigating medical options, advocating for their baby, developing a plan for birth and newborn care, offering grief support, and more.
PDI recognizes that parents who have received a prenatal diagnosis are facing unexpected challenges and they deserve care and support as they contemplate the next steps for themselves, their baby, and the rest of their family. The website was born out of a desire to provide medically accurate, trauma-informed information to parents or family members who may be searching after receiving a positive screening or diagnostic test result. Option Line and its connection to a PCC will help meet the needs of those parents with compassionate care and support.
“After fourteen years of supporting parents carrying to term following a prenatal diagnosis, our organization recognized the need to develop a professional training program that was trauma-informed, research-based, parent-centered, and life affirming. We feel blessed to support other organizations in the development of services which address the crisis of a prenatal diagnosis with comprehensive support, and we are very happy with the feedback we are getting from those who have completed the Be Not Afraid Parent Care Coordinator Training,” said Tracy Winsor, Be Not Afraid Co-Founder and Parent Program Director.
“Upon receiving a positive prenatal test result, parents deserve to receive the best information available regarding carrying their child to term and an offer of support in walking the journey. I've seen firsthand the positive impact for children, families, and communities.” - Gary Thome, Heartbeat International board member and PDI founding member
Prenatal Diagnosis Initiative is a collaboration of Heartbeat International, Option Line, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Her PLAN, Be Not Afraid, and String of Pearls. Learn more at PrenatalDiagnosis.org
Celebrating Decisive Supreme Court Victory
For Immediate Release
June 24, 2022
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(614) 885-7577
Heartbeat International, the nation’s largest network of pregnancy help centers, celebrates decisive Supreme Court victory
“I thank God that fifty years of injustice for the unborn and fifty years of the craven politicization of women’s health by Big Abortion activists is over.”
— Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International
COLUMBUS, OH: The leaders of Heartbeat International respond to the overturning of Roe v. Wade with the following statements:
Danielle M. White, General Counsel for Heartbeat International:
“Roe was wrong the day it was decided. Yet for decades, the Supreme Court has clung to the outdated notion that women need abortion in order to participate equally in the life of the nation. How utterly untrue! With the Supreme Court out of the way, states can now be much more creative in exploring how best to support and empower women as they choose life and pursue their dreams. Pregnancy help has stood beside women, walked with them, and journeyed with them through an unexpected pregnancy, so that no woman ever feels so alone or so helpless that she thinks that abortion is her only option.”
Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International President:
“Finally, the Supreme Court has admitted their grave error and overturned Roe, but we must never forget these fifty years. I thank God that fifty years of injustice for the unborn and fifty years of the craven politicization of women’s health by Big Abortion activists is over. Today is not just a historic day—it is a new day.”
Cindi Boston-Bilotta, Heartbeat International’s Vice President of Mission Advancement:
“The need is not going to go away, women will still need help, and the pregnancy help movement will continue to be there for any woman who needs us.”
Betty McDowell, Vice President of Ministry Services with Heartbeat International:
“Someone asked me, ‘how does this change your work?’ The truth is that it really doesn’t. For decades we have served every mother we could and we will continue to day after day every woman who comes to us. We’re for women, and we will continue to help support them and to provide training for pregnancy help centers all over the world.”
Andrea Trudden, Heartbeat International Vice President of Communications & Marketing:
“Our work is not over, in fact, in many ways it is just beginning. Women still need compassionate care and support, and we will continue to be here to offer it to them. Abortion may not now be available in every state, but practical resources and life-affirming options are through our network of pregnancy help organizations. We will wake up tomorrow and do exactly what we have done for fifty years—help women.”
Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with over 3,000 affiliated locations in more than 80 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.
Website - HeartbeatInternational.org
Facebook - Facebook
Twitter - Twitter
Ahead of Dobbs, Heartbeat International survey sees dangerous increase in violence and threats against pregnancy centers
For Immediate Release
June 16, 2022
Andrea Trudden, Vice President of Communications and Marketing
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(614) 885-7577
Ahead of Dobbs, Heartbeat International survey sees dangerous increase in violence and threats against pregnancy centers
COLUMBUS, Oh. — An informal survey by Heartbeat International—the world’s largest network of pro-life pregnancy help organizations in the world—of its more than 1,900 U.S.-based affiliate locations reveals a disturbing trend of increasing violence against pregnancy help centers ahead of the expected decision in the Dobbs case that could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade.
The survey shows that abortion activists have moved in deceptive and dangerous ways to channel their anger over the impending Supreme Court leak that showed a potential overturn of the Roe v. Wade decision. In recent days, abortion extremists groups have amplified national calls to action to attack pregnancy help organizations—places that exist to provide pregnant women with care and resources.
Of the 137 responses to the Heartbeat International survey, more than one in six organizations in over 20 states reported an increase in incidents targeting their organizations. These range from fake online reviews to vandalism, including the destruction of property, all occurring since the beginning of May.
“This anger is completely misguided. These pro-abortion vigilantes claim to be standing up for women while simultaneously obstructing women from receiving the pregnancy care they seek,” said Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International president.
Of the organizations reporting incidents:
- An alarming 20% reported property damage
- More than 30% have seen an increase in fake online reviews
- 20% have received angry calls
- 10% have experienced protests outside their locations
- 6% have received threats.
“The time these centers must close in order to clean up paint or replace broken windows is time now that they aren’t able to serve women and families,” Godsey said. “The women these vandals claim to care about are now being denied care due to what amounts to a temper tantrum.”
Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with over 3,000 affiliated locations in more than 80 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.
Website - HeartbeatInternational.org
Facebook - Facebook
Twitter - Twitter
Pro-Life Network that Manages Abortion Pill Rescue Network Calls Out Report Google Used to Ban Life-Saving Ads
For Immediate Release
September 16, 2021
Andrea Trudden
Sr. Director of Communications & Marketing
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(614) 885-7577
Pro-Life Network that Manages Abortion Pill Rescue Network Calls Out Report Google Used to Ban Life-Saving Ads
Columbus, OH – Today, Heartbeat International, the world’s largest pregnancy help network, which manages the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, sent a letter to the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) demanding that they remove factually false information from the “Endangering Women for Profit” report.
On Tuesday, Google removed Heartbeat International’s ads promoting the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline following the inaccurate claims within the CCDH report. Other news outlets then amplified this false data in their own reporting.
The letter from Heartbeat calls for the full and immediate removal of incorrect data from the report and requests a correction be published, noting the inaccuracies.
“The CCDH’s choice to base this report on inaccurate information and a single failed study demonstrates their interest is promoting Big Abortion and not empowering women with real choices,” said Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International. “By removing Abortion Pill Reversal ads from Google, they silence the only viable option for women who are looking to reverse the effects of the abortion pill, effectively forcing women to complete an abortion they no longer want.”
Statistics show that Abortion Pill Reversal has saved over 2,500 babies and empowered women by putting choice back into their hands. These are the stories that the ads targeted by Google and CCDH tell. The Center for Countering Digital Hate would rather pretend these women and children do not exist than allow a true choice for women.
For more information on Heartbeat International go to www.HeartbeatInternational.org.
About Abortion Pill Rescue Network: Abortion pill reversal is a cutting-edge application of a time-tested, FDA-approved treatment used for decades to prevent miscarriage and preterm birth. It involves emergency, ongoing doses of progesterone to counteract the effects of the first abortion pill. From the moment a woman takes the abortion pill, she has about 72 hours to change her mind and save her baby. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network answers more than 300 mission-critical calls a month from women who regret their abortion decision. Statistics show that more than 2,500 lives have been saved (and counting) through the abortion pill reversal protocol.
If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time. The Abortion Pill Reversal hotline provides free and confidential care 24/7. Call 877.558.0333 or go to www.AbortionPillReversal.com now. There may still be time to save your pregnancy.
About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with nearly 3,000 affiliated locations in more than 70 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.
Big Tech Silences Life-Saving Abortion Pill Reversal
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Contact: Andrea Trudden, Sr. Director of Communications and Marketing
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Columbus, OH – Women deserve to know the truth about all their options; that is why it is extremely disappointing to see Big Tech kowtow to Big Abortion. In the latest attack against pregnancy help, a petition was launched by The Center for Countering Digital Hate demanding that Google and Facebook not only remove any and all ads mentioning Abortion Pill Reversal but also demands that the tech companies “donate revenues from ads…to organizations providing science-based care for women.”
If this latest report was a fair assessment of all digital advertising, it would note that what meager dollar amount Heartbeat International spends pales in comparison to groups like Planned Parenthood that spends millions upon millions of dollars in digital advertising each year to influence the culture to embrace abortion.
Abortion Pill Reversal works. Statistics show that more than 2,500 lives have been saved by reversal so far. Unfortunately, The Center for Countering Digital Hate pretends these women and children do not exist rather than allowing women a true choice for those seeking to reverse the effects of the abortion pill.
By removing Abortion Pill Reversal ads from Google and Facebook—two of the largest tech companies in the world—these companies silence the only viable option for women who seek to reverse the effects of the abortion pill.
To pretend that women do not regret their abortion choice denies reality. Studies have shown this and women have stated it.
We have a viable option available to women who seek to reverse the effects of the abortion pill through the use of progesterone. Why would anyone seek to suppress that knowledge from women?
For more information on Heartbeat International go to www.HeartbeatInternational.org.
About Abortion Pill Rescue Network: Abortion pill reversal is a cutting-edge application of a time-tested, FDA-approved treatment used for decades to prevent miscarriage and preterm birth. It involves emergency, ongoing doses of progesterone to counteract the effects of the first abortion pill. From the moment a woman takes the abortion pill, she has about 72 hours to change her mind and save her baby. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network answers more than 300 mission-critical calls a month from women who regret their abortion decision. Statistics show that more than 2,500 lives have been saved (and counting) through the abortion pill reversal protocol.
If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time. The Abortion Pill Reversal hotline provides free and confidential care 24/7. Call 877.558.0333 or go to www.AbortionPillReversal.com now. There may still be time to save your pregnancy.
About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with nearly 3,000 affiliated locations in more than 70 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.
No life left behind – Pregnancy help community at the forefront of serving human trafficking victims
Friday | October 16, 2020
Contact: Andrea Trudden, Director of Communications and Marketing
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Pregnancy help community at the forefront of serving human trafficking victims
How pregnancy help centers are meeting this crucial need
Columbus, OH: Do you think you know the full range of assistance provided by your local pregnancy help center? The fact is, in the course of their day-to-day work of serving women facing unplanned pregnancy these centers have been assisting the victims of human trafficking as well.
Human trafficking is another violation of the sanctity of human life, and the awareness of this scourge is starting to catch up with its prevalence.
Pregnancy help centers are in a unique position to make a difference through the services they provide and partnerships they already have established in their communities.
Experts say traffickers often bring their victims to pregnancy centers for free pregnancy ultrasounds and to avoid hospital emergency rooms.
One study found of human trafficking survivors that: 21.2 percent got pregnant 5 times or more; 55.2 percent reported at least one abortion; and 29.9 percent reported multiple abortions.
The study further found that 87 percent of trafficked victims have had contact with a health care provider while being trafficked. Those providers can include pregnancy centers.
This makes pregnancy centers a ‘first responder’ on the front lines of this crisis.
How are they responding?
“Pregnancy help centers are vital first responders to this modern slavery,” said Heartbeat International’s Director of Ministry Services Betty McDowell, who has testified before Congress on this issue.
Heartbeat International launched the first anti-human trafficking course for pregnancy help centers two years ago and continues to assist centers in preparing to serve these individuals.
In addition to its course for pregnancy centers, Heartbeat has included human trafficking presentations at its annual pregnancy help conference, drawing upon the knowledge and experience of experts in this area.
As awareness grows, so will the need to serve them, and pregnancy help organizations stand ready to meet the need.
You can find out through Heartbeat International how pregnancy centers have the unique opportunity to serve as a key ally in helping break the cycle of human trafficking.
To schedule an interview with Betty McDowell about the life-affirming services provided to human trafficking victims by pregnancy centers and Heartbeat International’s resources that support them, call 614-885-7577.
For more information on Heartbeat International go to HeartbeatInternational.org and find Heartbeat on Facebook and Twitter.
About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with over 2,800 affiliated locations in more than 60 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.
Heartbeat International prays for the Supreme Court
Wednesday | September 23, 2020
Contact: Andrea Trudden, Director of Communications and Marketing
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Heartbeat International prays for the Supreme Court
What the open seat on the highest court means for the pro-life movement
Columbus, OH: With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whoever fills the seat in the Supreme Court will have a great influence on the culture of America. Heartbeat International, the largest pro-life association of pregnancy help in the world, marks Justice Ginsburg's passing with sadness and acknowledges her contributions to advancing women’s rights, along with her historic rise to the Supreme Court.
Dr. Peggy Hartshorn, longtime Heartbeat International President, Board Chair and pro-life advocate, said:
"I pray for the repose of the soul of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and especially for her children and grandchildren who mourn her loss. For her family, her death is so personal. For me, it was personal too -- but on a very different level. On hearing the news, I was almost as stunned and 'glued to' the media as I was on January 22, 1973.”
Hartshorn, with her invaluable experience and insight having the benefit of watching the High Court over the years over her years of pro-life advocacy, reflected:
“Filling her seat in the next few weeks is crucial to turning around the results of that fateful day 47 years ago. Four of the nine current Supreme Court Justices are on record as open to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, given the appropriate case. One more Justice nominated by our sitting president now and approved by our elected Senate will change the trajectory of legal abortion in the USA and influence abortion law and attitudes around the world. What a time for prayer!"
Danielle M. White, General Counsel for Heartbeat International, remarked:
“It can certainly be said that Ruth Bader Ginsburg contributed to an America where women are welcomed in higher education and valued in the workplace. Sadly, she was under the misimpression that women’s advancement couldn’t be accomplished without pitting women against their children, particularly their unborn children. While we in the pregnancy help community remember the positive contributions she made to society, we vow to work for an America where no woman feels that she must choose between her education or career and the life of her unborn child. We hope that the Justice to take her seat will recognize the rights of both the mother and her unborn child.”
Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International President, added:
"Ginsburg's legacy will forever be one of a talented advocate and tenacious liberal. She helped anchor the liberal voting bloc for the better part of four decades, and despite her stated qualms with the weakness of the decision, reaffirmed Roe's grip in favor of abortion at every opportunity. Her successor needs to be equally as committed in bringing our highest court back toward its Constitutional strength, but more courageous to address flawed rulings of past courts."
To schedule an interview about Justice Ginsburg’s passing and the significance of the open Supreme Court seat for the pregnancy help community, call 614-885-7577.
For more information on Heartbeat International go to HeartbeatInternational.org and find Heartbeat on Facebook and Twitter.
About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with over 2,800 affiliated locations in more than 60 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.

Heartbeat International prays for the Supreme Court
What the open seat on the highest court means for the pro-life movement
Columbus, OH: With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whoever fills the seat in the Supreme Court will have a great influence on the culture of America. Heartbeat International, the largest pro-life association of pregnancy help in the world, marks Justice Ginsburg's passing with sadness and acknowledges her contributions to advancing women’s rights, along with her historic rise to the Supreme Court.
Dr. Peggy Hartshorn, longtime Heartbeat International President, Board Chair and pro-life advocate, said:
"I pray for the repose of the soul of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and especially for her children and grandchildren who mourn her loss. For her family, her death is so personal. For me, it was personal too -- but on a very different level. On hearing the news, I was almost as stunned and 'glued to' the media as I was on January 22, 1973.”
Hartshorn, with her invaluable experience and insight having the benefit of watching the High Court over the years over her years of pro-life advocacy, reflected:
“Filling her seat in the next few weeks is crucial to turning around the results of that fateful day 47 years ago. Four of the nine current Supreme Court Justices are on record as open to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, given the appropriate case. One more Justice nominated by our sitting president now and approved by our elected Senate will change the trajectory of legal abortion in the USA and influence abortion law and attitudes around the world. What a time for prayer!"
Danielle M. White, General Counsel for Heartbeat International, remarked:
“It can certainly be said that Ruth Bader Ginsburg contributed to an America where women are welcomed in higher education and valued in the workplace. Sadly, she was under the misimpression that women’s advancement couldn’t be accomplished without pitting women against their children, particularly their unborn children. While we in the pregnancy help community remember the positive contributions she made to society, we vow to work for an America where no woman feels that she must choose between her education or career and the life of her unborn child. We hope that the Justice to take her seat will recognize the rights of both the mother and her unborn child.”
Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International President, added:
"Ginsburg's legacy will forever be one of a talented advocate and tenacious liberal. She helped anchor the liberal voting bloc for the better part of four decades, and despite her stated qualms with the weakness of the decision, reaffirmed Roe's grip in favor of abortion at every opportunity. Her successor needs to be equally as committed in bringing our highest court back toward its Constitutional strength, but more courageous to address flawed rulings of past courts."
To schedule an interview about Justice Ginsburg’s passing and the significance of the open Supreme Court seat for the pregnancy help community, call 614-885-7577.
For more information on Heartbeat International go to HeartbeatInternational.org and find Heartbeat on Facebook and Twitter.
About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with over 2,800 affiliated locations in more than 60 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.
Life-Saving Abortion Pill Reversal Network, Hotline, Change Hands
Thursday | April 12, 2018
Contact: Jay Hobbs, Director of Communications and Marketing
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For the past 10-plus years, Dr. George Delgado has served as the face of the Abortion Pill Reversal Network, which has helped over 450 mothers rescue their babies from an in-progress chemical abortion.
Starting Thursday afternoon, however, the network’s 24-7 helpline and provider group is changing hands to Heartbeat International, it was announced at the final day of Heartbeat International’s 2018 Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif.
Over 450 mothers have successfully rescued their babies—including 100 who are currently still expecting—with the life-saving Abortion Pill Reversal treatment since 2007.
“Nothing is more of an alternative to abortion than Abortion Pill Reversal,” Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey said. “Abortion Pill Reversal is an absolute lifeline to the very woman who needs our help most. No woman should need to finish an abortion she regrets—especially when there may be time to save her child’s life.”
In 2007, Delgado and another physician, Dr. Matthew Harrison, both utilized an FDA-approved remedy for preventing miscarriages to help women stop a chemical abortion, commonly known as the abortion pill or RU-486.
Applied up to 72 hours after a woman takes mifepristone—designed to kill a baby ahead of the second, labor-inducing pill in a chemical abortion—Abortion Pill Reversal gives a woman one last chance to choose life in a procedure that now accounts for as many as 40 percent of abortions throughout the U.S.
Under Delgado’s leadership, the network has grown to over 400 medical practitioners, while over 3,000 women have contacted its round-the-clock helpline to speak with a licensed nurse about rescuing her child.
Until the transition Thursday, Delgado had overseen the network and call center, while heading up the research that has given rise to Abortion Pill Reversal as part of his San Diego-based family practice, Culture of Family Life Services.
Now, Delgado—who released a peer-reviewed study showing as much as a 68 percent success rate a week ago—will turn his attention to further researching the medical intervention.
Meanwhile, Heartbeat International is bringing aboard the network of medical providers—more than 50 of which are pregnancy centers—as well as the licensed nurse helpline staff who will answer calls initially fielded by Heartbeat International’s 24-7 helpline, Option Line.
Answering well over 1,000 calls, live chats, emails and text messages per day, Option Line (1-800-712-HELP, OptionLine.org) recently reached its three millionth contact since launching in 2012.
“Abortion Pill Reversal has the potential to reach many more women and save many more lives,” Delgado said. “Our goal has always been to grow Abortion Pill Reversal, and by the grace of God, we’ve found a partner in Heartbeat International. We know there are many more women who need this treatment when they change their minds, and we’re confident this transition will help more mothers find that help.”
Though over 450 mothers say they have stopped their own chemical abortion and rescued their babies through Abortion Pill Reversal—and despite a growing amount of scientific evidence and agreement from abortion advocates that it is a sound medical treatment—many abortion extremists oppose Abortion Pill Reversal on ideological grounds.
In a move that effectively robs a woman of the right to try and save her child, abortion advocates have tried unsuccessfully to seize bureaucratic levers to keep nurses from learning more about the life-saving treatment.
The constant opposition falls on deaf ears for mothers like Katrina, however. As she faced an unexpected pregnancy in her senior year of college, Katrina’s boyfriend repeatedly threatened to he would kill himself if she didn’t end their child’s life through abortion.
Reluctantly, Katrina allowed her boyfriend to drive her to an abortion business, where she took a mifepristone pill, designed to kill her baby. Miraculously, her family intervened and begged her to seek help at the pregnancy help medical clinic right next door to the abortion business.
Using Abortion Pill Reversal, Katrina was able to save her son Gabriel’s life. He turns a year old this May.
“Abortion Pill Reversal empowers a woman to choose life for herself and her baby,” Godsey said. “Every mother deserves the right to protect her own child, no matter what choices she’s made in the past. We are honored to take Abortion Pill Reversal into its next season of saving lives by putting choice back into a mother’s hands.”
About Heartbeat International
Heartbeat International is the first network of pro-life pregnancy help organizations founded in the U.S. (1971), and the largest network in the world. With 2,500 affiliated pregnancy help locations—including pregnancy help medical clinics (with ultrasound), resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies—Heartbeat serves on all six inhabited continents to provide alternatives to abortion.
Heartbeat President Responds to Malicious Attack from HBO's John Oliver on Pro-Life Centers
Monday | April 9, 2018
Contact: Jay Hobbs, Director of Communications and Marketing
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COLUMBUS, Ohio – In a televised segment that has gained widespread media attention and approval since first airing Sunday night, HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver took aim at the 2,752 locally funded pro-life pregnancy help centers and ultrasound-equipped medical clinics serving women with free help in unexpected pregnancies.
Oliver spent over 20 minutes of his show slandering pregnancy centers that offer alternatives to abortions. Among his profanity-laced tirade, Oliver accused pregnancy centers of operating deceptively by choosing locations near abortion businesses and by choosing names insufficently descriptive to meet Oliver's standards.
Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey responded with the following comment:
It is unfortunate, though unsurprising, when abortion extremists slander the good work of pro-life pregnancy help centers. These vital, community-funded centers exist only to empower a woman to make the healthiest choice for everyone involved in an unexpected pregnancy. To some, the only legitimate action in an unexpected pregnancy is to end the child’s life through abortion, but women deserve better than abortion.
Women deserve true choice. No mother should ever feel so alone or pressured that she feels she has no choice other than abortion.
Rather than attacking Christian pro-life individuals and groups who offer women alternatives to abortion, perhaps abortion backers would do better to police their own industry, which profits from a woman’s despair by ending her child’s life through abortion.
Oliver becomes the latest comedian to devote a significant amount of airtime to lash out against pregnancy centers. In 2015, Patton Oswalt appeared on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, where the duo depicted pregnancy centers as "the ultimate hustle." That segment ended with one mother, a noted abortion activist named Cherrise Scott, saying she wished she had aborted her now 15-year-old son who she chose to carry to term after visiting a pregnancy center.
Starting last summer, Lizz Winstead -- a co-creator of Comedy Central's The Daily Show -- launched an anti-pregnancy center crusade where she and a small group of abortion advocates harass local pregnancy centers online and in person.
With as many as 99 percent of pregnancy center clients reporting a positive experience, none of the campaigns have gained traction, particularly among pregnancy center clients, who primarily hear about centers through word of mouth.
Heartbeat International President Responds to Abortion Lobby-Backed "Investigation"
Friday | January 12, 2018
Contact: Jay Hobbs, Director of Communications and Marketing
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COLUMBUS, Ohio — A new effort to undermine and oppose pro-life pregnancy centers offering women a chance to choose life over abortion is now underway, and this time, it’s a former Planned Parenthood vice president calling the shots.
Launched in the beginning of January, “Equity Forward” identifies itself on its online “About Us” page as, a project aiming, “to ensure transparency and accountability among anti-reproductive health groups and individuals who are actively working to deny women access to services.”
Later in its “About Us” page, the group says it “exists to create a window into what opponents of reproductive health care are doing, operationally and tactically, in order to expose malfeasance, fraud, unethical practices, and false information to hold them accountable.”
Led by Mary Alice Carter, a former interim VP for communications at Planned Parenthood, Equity Forward was approvingly profiled by TheHill.com Friday. The group has already kicked off its initial investigation meant to smear the nation’s 2,700 locally funded pregnancy centers that offer peer counseling, ultrasounds, material aid and post-abortive help offered at no cost.
"Rather than going on a wild goose chase against pro-life pregnancy help, abortion activists would do far better to investigate their own industry,” Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International—which serves over 2,400 pregnancy help organizations around the world—said. “Pregnancy centers are good for women and their children. It is abortion businesses—not pregnancy centers—that routinely physically harm their patients, profit off a woman’s desperation and break the law to maximize their bottom line.
“No woman has ever died or been harmed in a pregnancy center, and sadly, we can’t say the same about abortion businesses.”
Chasing the Wild Goose
Monday evening, a licensed private investigator named Jane Ebert called and left a message on the personal cell phone of a former pregnancy center employee who now works full-time with a national pro-life group.
In her message, obtained by Pregnancy Help News, Ebert said she was working on an investigation on behalf of Equity Forward.
The message caught the former pregnancy center staffer off-guard, so she did a little digging into Equity Forward. She also reached out to her former colleagues at the pregnancy center and confirmed that Ebert hadn’t contacted any of them.
Ebert also contacted a former pregnancy center employee in another state the same day, Heartbeat International's Pregnancy Help News learned Friday afternoon.
As of Friday, Ebert had not returned a call or email from Pregnancy Help News.
Read more (here) at Heartbeat International's Pregnancy Help News.