Communication skills are often prioritized for advocates, but medical staff need the same skills to engage clients whether for ultrasounds, STD testing, or Abortion Pill Reversal. In particular, medical staff can get easily preoccupied by the physical job at hand and neglect the critical interpersonal process taking place. This workshop brings key communication skills to the medical side enabling medical staff to converse and challenge clients. Presented by Sharon Greenip, M.Ed.
We believe our young people are to influence and shift culture, not the other way around. Learn how to equip, mentor, and strengthen students in your community to stand firm in Christ, unafraid, resilient, and ready to fight and win any battle they face, regardless of society’s pressures. Presented By: Candy Gibbs
This workshop is to equip leaders to effectively care for and encourage their staff to deal with grief and avoid burnout when they work with patients who choose abortion on a regular basis. Participants will learn facts about the grief cycle, maladaptive grief and secondary trauma in a pregnancy center setting. Presented by Jennifer Roush, RN BSN
God answers prayers in many miraculous ways. Learn how to create a meaningful and interesting prayer chain that will engage your prayer supporters with creative, scriptural requests. Presented by Nancy Kujawa
When the culture shifts, your program and strategy must respond. A "mission forward" approach allows you to navigate change while keeping the rudder in the water. Presented By: Amy Scheuring
To train Executive Directors and Development Directors on how to choose and use the correct wording(s) in their development narratives to achieve maximum results. Train ED/DDs to overcome their fear of talking about money. Presented by Mike Williams