• Put your passion into action.

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    utilizing a variety of skills. 


1.5 million clients served each year

300,000 mothers choose life

Nearly 250,000 free ultrasounds performed

Over 3,600 affiliates around the world

The Heartbeat Difference

At the first sign of pregnancy, Heartbeat International's worldwide network of more than 3,600 pro-life pregnancy help organizations is here. We provide comprehensive pregnancy help to the woman wherever she is on her journey. From seeing the flutter of the heartbeat on her first ultrasound, to teaching parenting classes or coordinating an adoption plan, and providing material aid throughout the pregnancy and beyond, we offer compassionate support so that no woman ever feels that abortion is her only option. 

Our Life-Saving Vision...

...is a world where every new life is welcomed and children are nurtured within strong families, according to God’s Plan, so that abortion is unthinkable. 

Our Life-Saving Mission...

...Heartbeat International's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE.