Action Steps

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As non-profits and 501(c)(3) organizations, it can be confusing to understand what you are allowed and not allowed to do when it comes to elections. While this confusion can make it easier to sit on the sidelines, these issues are too important to leave in the hands of others. You know firsthand how abortion harms women. You are the expert on what women truly need to be able to succeed and choose life for their babies! This November it is far too vital that you speak up for life.

The good news is that non-profits are allowed to be engaged in advocacy for constitutional amendments! The IRS states that a 501(c)(3) may participate in political activities as long as they constitute an insubstantial part of the overall expenditures. An insubstantial amount is generally considered 5 to 15 percent of a 501(c)(3)’s funds, although the IRS does not provide a specific definition. For an in-depth breakdown of the guidelines, you can read the "Guidelines for Political Activities of Not-For-Profit Organizations". Listed on pages 8 and 9 is a comprehensive list of approved activities.

Below are a few key ways that you and your organization can get involved in the election and advocate for life!

Register to Vote

First and foremost, make sure that you are registered to vote! Your vote is critical in November and future lives depend on it. Please take time now to make sure that you are registered to vote here!

After that, make sure that your supporters are registered as well! In newsletters and emails, you can remind those who support your mission that their involvement in the election matters. 

Check your Voting Deadlines

With the rise in early and absentee voting, it is even more important for you to be aware of your state's election deadlines! You can find your state's information here, and ensure that you are educating your audiences before they head to the polls.

Join or Create Your State's Pregnancy Help Coalition

Now it is more important than ever to connect with like-minded pregnancy help organizations. By joining together with pregnancy help organizations in your state, you can better collaborate and understand the issues facing your communities. We are stronger together! Find the coalitions in your state here.

Connect with Local Pro-Life Groups

As elections arise in your state, groups like your local Right to Life and Family Research Council will be great resources to equip you with talking points and educational tools. You can find your local Family Research Council here, and your state's Right to Life group here!

Educate Your Supporters

Now that you are registered, understand the deadlines, and have partnered with other pro-life groups, it is time to communicate with your supporters and make sure that they understand what is at stake in the upcoming election! Don't assume that because they support your organization, they will vote to protect life. They may not be politically engaged, or they may not understand the true ramifications of these constitutional amendments. It is important that you use your voice to help them make sense of all the noise, especially as an organization that they trust when it comes to supporting women and their babies.